A list of my work including companies and side projects.
Waygo App
I built a company called Waygo to peform real-time visual translation for travelers to Asia. I led my team to build our own OCR and Translation algorithms to run in real-time on device.
[Product page] | Status: Live
TA Labs
I ran a Machine Learning consulting firm focusing on projects in legal tech, medical CT scans, social media processing and more.
[TA Labs website] | Status: Part-time
Tabber Guitar
An LED fretboard sleeve that would enhance guitar learning using lights to guide finger positions.
[Media coverage] | Status: Discontinued
Quoth Game
A word game based on jeopary that uses inspiring quotes as game puzzles
[Media coverage] | Status: Discontinued
Lyke App
A mobile and web app that allows friends to plan group social activities easily based on interest and availability
Status: Discontinued